torsdag den 15. juli 2021

Hvad får lærere til at “klistre” til deres skoler? - en opsamling af amerikansk forskning.

Sticky schools: How to find and keep teachers in the classroom 

 Overall, more than half of teachers voluntarily leave the profession for reasons other than retirement (Sutcher, Darling-Hammond, & Carver-Thomas, 2016), 


Fortunately, decades of research provide a road map for how federal, state, and local policymakers can ensure that competent and committed teachers stick in their schools. Research points to five major strategies and related policies that can positively influence teachers’ decisions to enter and remain in the teaching profession:  

  1. Strengthen preparation.
  2. Improve hiring.
  3. Increase compensation.
  4. Provide support for new teachers.
  5. Improve working conditions (with particular attention to school leadership, professional collaboration and shared decision making, accountability systems, and resources for teaching and learning).”       

onsdag den 14. april 2021

Teknologi vil ikke forbedre vores skoler, men forbedring af vores skoler kan bane vejen for kraftfuld brug af teknologi: “Technology won´t improve our schools, but improving our schools may pave the way for powerfull uses of technology”

Overskriften uddybes i denne aktuelle artikel:

Ed tech’s failure during the pandemic, and what comes after 

Justin Reich 

February 22, 2021

Why didn’t the shift to remote learning bring about significant transformations in teaching and learning?

Konklusion at forandring ikke kommer gennem store forkromede reformer og tekniske fiks, men gennem daglig “tinkering” ( prøven sig frem, fuskeri) udført af dygtige lærere, uddybes i denne bog:

D. & Cuban, L (1995): Tinkering toward utopia: a century of public school reform. Cambridge, MA,USA, MIT Press

Forlagets beskrivelse:

For over a century, Americans have translated their cultural anxieties and hopes into dramatic demands for educational reform. Although policy talk has sounded a millennial tone, the actual reforms have been gradual and incremental. Tinkering toward Utopiadocuments the dynamic tension between Americans' faith in education as a panacea and the moderate pace of change in educational practices.

In this book, David Tyack and Larry Cuban explore some basic questions about the nature of educational reform. Why have Americans come to believe that schooling has regressed? Have educational reforms occurred in cycles, and if so, why? Why has it been so difficult to change the basic institutional patterns of schooling? What actually happened when reformers tried to "reinvent" schooling?

Tyack and Cuban argue that the ahistorical nature of most current reform proposals magnifies defects and understates the difficulty of changing the system. Policy talk has alternated between lamentation and overconfidence. The authors suggest that reformers today need to focus on ways to help teachers improve instruction from the inside out instead of decreeing change by remote control, and that reformers must also keep in mind the democratic purposes that guide public education.

fredag den 26. marts 2021

“Did the schools market deliver?”

 I recommend this book:

So do these these reviews:

Fiona Millar does a superb job capturing 30 years of education policy and all the complex consequences of the so-called market. It’s so interesting to hear her perspective as parent, governor and campaigner; her analysis of what has and hasn’t worked is thorough and convincing. It’s a must-read for anyone interested in future education policy because, as Fiona illustrates very clearly, without doubt, we can and must do better in the next 30 years; the status quo and the current policy philosophy isn’t good enough. 

Tom Sherrington, author of The Learning Rainforest: Great Teaching in Real Classrooms 

An engaging and comprehensive overview of the often unintended consequences of 30 years of education policy. Fiona sets the context for the current incoherent education market and provides key pointers to where we should go next to develop a school system that works for every child. Rachel Gooch

Here are the main conclusions:

Dette blogindlæg supplerer afsnittet ”Fjerde uddybning: kampen om forståelse af reformer”
i mit kapitel Hedegaard, E. (2017): "Uddannelsespolitik og globalisering - uddannelsesreformer i en usikker tidsalder"  
i bogen P. Ø Andersen & Tomas Ellegaard : "Klassisk og moderne pædagogisk teori". København: Hans Reitzels Forlag.


onsdag den 24. marts 2021

Støtte til nye lærere

Her er en håndbog og materialer fra udviklingsarbejde:

The Mentor Handbook

A practical Guide for VET Teacher Training

“Mentors and mentoring belong still to the less explored themes in terms of benefits for the stakeholders and final users, particularly regarding the diversity of provision across countries and in relation to professional development.

With this handbook the authors and publishers hope to contribute to the wider understanding of the role and importance of mentoring in organisational and national contexts, as well as to identify areas of future action and cooperation for supporting quality and attractiveness in VET through introducing and enhancing mentoring.

The handbook was initiated within CEdEfop’s Training of Trainers Network (TTnet)1. Specialist, practitioners, university lecturers in mentoring and leadership have contributed to compile the publication, drawing upon their own wide theoretical and practical experience and gathering and analysing additionally provided material”

Her er nogle overvejelser om, hvad der er vigtigt at fokusere på for at støtte nye lærere på baggrund af erfaringer kurser, mentorforløb og dansk/europæisk/nordisk samarbejde 2004-2012:



-  vi har haft gode erfaringer med kursusforløb med månedlige møder med tematiske oplæg efterfulgt af dialog mellem alle deltagerne. Støtte og råd fra deltagere til deltagere blev højt værdsat. Planlagt kommunikation over internettet blev derimod nedprioritet af deltagerne i deres travle dagligdag.


Mentor-mentee forløb:

- kursusforløb som møder for alle kursets lærere kan med stor fordel suppleres med mentorforløb med de enkelte deltagere gerne hver 14. dag og mindst månedligt i det første år, fordi alle nye lærere har behov for at få lov til selv at formulere deres eget fokus, og udvikle problemløsninger og evaluere erfaringer sammen under vejledning af en erfaren mentor.


Samarbejde med kommunerne 

som er dem, har ansvaret for at støtte de nye lærere. Det er vigtigt at give tid (arbejdstid) til at deltage i kurser  til de nyansatte lærere, ellers oplever de kursustilbuddet som endnu en stressende opgave. Det kan også være en farbar vej at aftale et kursustilbud til alle nyansatte lærere i en kommune. 


Støtte til kommunale mentorer:

I kommuner, der selv organiserer mentorstøtte til deres nye lærere er spørgsmålet hvordan disse mentorer får træning før og supervision imens, de arbejder som mentorer.


Samarbejdspartnere: Det landsdækkende netværkStøtte til Nye Lærere blev ledet af Egon 2006-2012, og derefter ledet af en styregruppe: Ane Sofie Andersen Hjorth, Center for Undervisningsmidler, UCC Lillebælt Jette Worm Hansen, Læreruddannelsen Zahle,  UCC Lisbeth Lunde Frederiksen, VIA UniversityUffe Rostrup, Frie Skolers LærerforeningNiels Gæmelke, Danmarks Lærerforening (Tlf. 3369 6413 E-mail: NG@dlf.orgÅse Bonde, Danmarks Lærerforening (Tlf.: 3369 6222 E-mail:,




Ang. kursusforløb:

Indbydelse til deltagerne. Link:!Ak7takuUcbcrgXESi7exUWSNi6cD?e=4Tbn13

Råd der blev formuleret ved afslutningen af et kursusd fra nye lærere til nye lærere. 



Ang. mentorforløb, se "THE GROWTH  of MENTORS in the context of support to new teachers: How do we support our newly qualified teachers (NQT´s) in developing as professionals? Konferenceoplæg på ERASMUS-konference I Bruxelles 2008. Link:!Ak7takuUcbcrgXACZ1Sptd1nWhrk?e=YRh8Ug


Beskrivelse of mentorkompetencer udarbejdet I ERASMUS-projektet EforET:

Dansk version:!Ak7takuUcbcrgXL0DIE_BTQQM301?e=CntCFO

Engelsk version:!Ak7takuUcbcrgXM90ELjBUmj83mc?e=cXP2bB


- Ang. samarbejde med kommuner: 

Overbliksgivende oplæg over ”Best Practice” i kommunerne – fokus på organisation & indhold i støtte til nye lærere på alle niveauer, der spiller sammen. 


Projektbeskrivelse af 2-årig kursus og mentorstøtte til nye lærere i Gentofte kommune

IND I LÆRERPROFESSIONEN - model for kompetenceudvikling for lærere uden undervisningserfaring


Informationsfolder til deltagere: IND I LÆRERPROFESSIONEN. 



- Ang. overblik over støtte til nye lærere i Norden:


Bjerkholt, Eva & Hedegaard, Egon (2008): Systems Promoting New Teachers’ Professional Development. Side 45-75 iFranssonGöranGustafsson, Christina. (Eds.) (2008): Newly Qualified Teachers in Northern Europe. Comparative perspectives on promoting professional development.Teacher Education: Research Publications no 4. GävleGävleUniversity Press.


Analysen resulterede i følgende konklusioner: “ It is possible to identify a number of characteristics of a well-functioning national intensive induction system for new teachers, based on the aim of supporting professional development: 

– Local responsibility for implementing induction for early professional development (carried out in partnership with stakeholders on other levels: initial teacher education, ministries of education, teachers’ unions, school leaders, colleges etc.)

– Local system building through co-operation in partnerships

– High quality of mentoring as a vital component of induction systems

– An induction programme that cares for the new teachers’ expressed needs and gives space for critical questions, developing the new teachers’ competencies on the basis of their personal resources

– Active partnerships between central levels of administration, initial teacher education institutions, the municipality and schools.

Networking is vital for the sustainability and the continued development of the quality of all models of induction systems. Every system needs critical friends and dialog with outsiders, and networking and partnerships on different levels can improve induction models and the quality of induction both on the local and on the national level.”


Kilde: Link:

Klampenborg 16. august 2019

Med venlig hilsen Sven Anthonisen & Egon Hedegaard