mandag den 13. november 2017

Afrikansk forskning i læreruddannelse gennem fjernundervisning sætter fokus på 5 afgørende kvaliteter: tackle udfordringer, proaktivitet, opfindsomhed, vedholdenhed og problemløsning.

Udgangspunktet er at “... kvaliteten af et lands lærere er en indikator på et lands udviklingsniveau”

De 5 såkalte kvaliteter, som forskeren har fundet hos de studerende, der klarer sig bedst i fjernundervisning, beskrives. Som læser er det nærliggende at overveje, om ikke  vigtigheden af disse kompetencer ikke også gælder for onlinestuderende hvor som helst?

Der konkluderes at det er vigtigt at de udvikles før starten på fjernundervisning. ( Netop dette er i modsætning til megen undervisning i Afrika og  er en stor udfordring til undervisningssystemerne ( min kommentar)).
Desuden konkluderes der, at den onlinestuderende kan være sin egen bedste støtte når indsatsen er præget af de nævnte kvaliteter.

Nhlanhla Mpofu (2017): Distance learning: the five qualities student teachers need to succeed

Dette blogindlæg supplerer afsnittet ”Fjerde uddybning: kampen om forståelse af reformer”
i mit kapitel Hedegaard, E. (2017): "Uddannelsespolitik og globalisering - uddannelsesreformer i en usikker tidsalder"  
i bogen P. Ø Andersen & Tomas Ellegaard : "Klassisk og moderne pædagogisk teori". København: Hans Reitzels Forlag.


tirsdag den 7. november 2017

Partsindlæg fra lærerorganisation i USA, der protesterer mod Trump-regeringens uddannelsesbudgetlovudkast maj 2017

(bemærk links med uddybninger)

"President Trump’s and Secretary of Education DeVos’ education budget was unveiled this week. It’s devastating news for public schools.

See article in The Washington Post: "Trump´s first full education budget: Deep cuts to public school programs in pursuit of school choice"  link

Rethinking Schools stands firmly against these unprecedented attacks on public education and we need your support to continue our fight against privatization—and to support and improve public schools. 
Public schools remain the only educational institutions that have the potential and obligation to serve all students. Yet Trump’s education budget shows how this administration puts corporate interests over the needs of students and communities.

The budget gives to charter and voucher schools—and steals from public school children:
  • Gives $500 million more for charter schools (up 50% from current funding), $250 million to expand and “study’ voucher schools, and  $1 billion more to encourage school “choice” within districts.
  • Cuts $1.2 billion for after-school programs that serve 1.6 million children, most of whom are poor, and $2.1 billion for teacher education and class-size reduction.
  • Cuts $490 million for college work-study programs. 
  • Cuts $700 million in Perkins loans for disadvantaged students.
  • Cuts funding for mental health services, anti-bullying initiatives, physical education, and science and engineering instruction.
  • Slashes $168 million for career and technical education and eliminates $96 million for adult literacy.
Fight the Trump/DeVos agenda by making a donation to Rethinking Schools so that we can expand our work and strengthen the educational justice movement.

In 1988, we ran our first article critical of school vouchers. Over the years we published dozens of articles exposing the move toward school privatization. We know that the experiment with privately run charter and religious voucher schools has failed. They don’t serve all students. They drain money from public schools. They are unaccountable to the public"


Dette blogindlæg supplerer afsnittet ”Anden uddybning: kampen for at få alle med”
i mit kapitel Hedegaard, E. (2017): "Uddannelsespolitik og globalisering - uddannelsesreformer i en usikker tidsalder"  
i bogen P. Ø Andersen & Tomas Ellegaard : "Klassisk og moderne pædagogisk teori". København: Hans Reitzels Forlag.
